The Total Concept of Fascia Treatment
FASCIQ® products are used to treat the fascia, to bring about a loosening of the fasciae (fascia release) and to maintain a flexible fascial network (fascia treatment). Regular use of these products can prevent injuries.
Fascia mainly consist of connective tissue in different forms and structures. They are located throughout the body and are interconnected. In recent years, we have learned more and more about the function of the fascial network. Good results have been achieved with a treatment directed specifically at the fascia.
Effects of Fascial Network
Among other things, the fascial network has an effect on:
- Strength.
- Movement and mobility.
- The immune system.
- The balance of various internal systems (lymphatic, digestive, hormonal and metabolism).
- The posture.
Various products are used to treat the fascia, to bring about a loosening of the fascia (fascia release) and to maintain a flexible fascial network (fascia treatment). Regular use of these products can prevent injuries.